How to Buy Garden Pots – Critical Tips

If you love gardening, you should not ignore the importance of garden pots. You can use the pots for indoor and outdoor purpose. They are available in different size, color and design to increase the décor of your garden. The selection of right garden pots can be a matter of life and death of your plants. Therefore it is necessary to choose the right garden pots. Danube home is a best place to buy all types of garden pots at reduced price through Danube Home coupon code. You can follow this guide to choose the right garden pots.
Check Drainage Holes:
It is the most important factor to consider as no plant can survive in pots without drainage holes. Prior to buy pots, you should check the presence of drainage holes. You can also increase the drainage through punching and drilling. The recommended or suitable size of drainage hole is ½ inch in diameter. If you are choosing a large size container, you should look for drainage hole at least one inch in diameter. When you visit Danube home store, you can find the best variety of garden pots. By using the Danube Home coupon code you can get big discounts.
Evaluate your Light:
Make sure that your container gets sufficient sunlight as it is necessary for plant growth. The deficiency of sunlight can lead to growth retardation in your plant. Prior to choose your plant, it is necessary to figure out how much light your container will get. It is also wise to place it where it gets sufficient sunlight. At Danube home store, you can find best garden accessories. If you have latest Danube Home coupon code you can get big discounts on the products.
Add Sufficient Nutrients:
Plants cannot grow well without sufficient nutrients and minerals. Therefore it is necessary to feed your plants. You can supply fertilizer to make sure optimum growth of plants. The use of slow release fertilizer is best. You can find many types of fertilizers in the market to choose from. It is also necessary to use the right dosage of fertilizer to make sure the optimum growth of plants in containers. Danube home offers the all types of garden accessories and products. Look for the Danube Home coupon code to get your desired garden accessories at discount price.
Size and Design of Pots:
You can find the garden pots in wide range of designs and size to meet your needs. Similarly you can find different plant container for indoor and outdoor use. Usually plant pots are made from steel, plastic and porcelain. The steel pots are mostly used for indoor purpose as they can enhance the décor of your house. For outdoor use, you can use plastic and porcelain pots as they can withstand hot temperature. Danube is a right place to buy all types of garden pots. If you have a limited budget, you can use the latest Danube voucher code to seek the best discount offers.