A look into the Stages of Alcohol Addiction with Taylor Recovery Centre in Houston, Texas.

Alcohol addiction is very prevalent in the modern world. Clinically referred to as alcohol use disorder (AUD), it is a condition where individuals have limited control over their alcohol drinking behavior. The addiction to alcohol causes a range of negative effects on the social, occupational, and health well-being of affected individuals. This blog highlights the four stages of alcohol addiction, and how you can use professional alcohol addiction treatment services from Taylor Recovery in Houston, Texas.
The Four Stages of Alcoholism.
Stage 1: The Pre-Alcoholic Stage.
This is the hardest stage to identify or recognize alcohol addiction. In this stage, individuals are involved in alcohol drinking to relieve stress, escape challenges, and fit in at social gatherings, a behavior that is often socially acceptable and normal. However, since functioning alcohol involves the release of neurotransmitters in the brain that bring about happiness and contentedness, progressed drinking leads to the brain’s dependency on alcohol to produce these neurotransmitters. This dependency leads to undesirable behaviors, such as regular use of alcohol to cope with stress, habitual drinking at social events, and drinking becoming a preferred method to relax after a long day. These behaviors indicate the first stage of alcohol addiction.
Stage 2: Early-Stage Alcoholism.
As drinking patterns progress, the individual enters the second stage of alcohol addiction, which is also referred to as the ‘prodromal’ phase. It involves drinking alcohol more often, such as occasional binge drinking – consuming a large amount of alcohol in a short period – leading to dangerous consequences, such as memory lapses and blackouts. This stage is characterized by increased drinking frequency, secretive drinking, increased alcohol tolerance, and feeling of guilt about the drinking behavior.
Stage 3: Middle-Stage Alcoholism.
This alcohol addiction stage is indicated by the manifestation of an individual’s drinking behavior as an obvious problem to family and friends. Individuals in this stage often start drinking early, such as in the morning, and try to hide their drinking behavior from their family and friends. Due to excessive drinking, individuals in this stage start experiencing apparent negative consequences, such as nausea, sweating, and tremors, especially when they have not had an alcoholic drink. Indicators of this stage involve neglecting responsibilities (personal and professional) and physical signs and prioritizing drinking over other essential aspects of life.
Stage 4: End-Stage Alcoholism.
This stage manifests full-blown alcohol addiction. It is the most severe phase of alcohol addiction, where drinking alcohol completely dominates the affected individual’s life. It is characterized by profound dependence on alcohol and results in the emergence of negative consequences on health and excessive drinking to avoid the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms. This stage of alcohol addiction is indicated by strained relationships, loss of job, severe health issues, such as liver damage, and the inability to function without alcohol use.
Recognize Your Alcohol Addiction Stage By Interacting With Alcohol Addiction Recovery Professionals At Taylor Recovery In Houston, Texas.
Suppose you are experiencing a negative relationship with alcohol and are concerned about falling into alcohol addiction in the Houston area. In that case, our professional doctors and therapists at Taylor Recovery can help you identify your alcohol addiction stage and guide you toward recovery. It’s not too late! Contact Taylor Recovery in Houston, Texas, today to get a grip on your alcohol addiction progression.