Advanced Anti-phishing Web security Techniques to Patch Vulnerabilities

The online landscape for cybersecurity and system protection saw a devastating shift with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. It might startle you to find out that Google actually stopped 18 million phishing attempts every single day for one entire week in the April of 2020. It was the time when the pandemic was at its maximum chaos. While there has been improvements ever since, because many offline sectors – education, retail sector, and the medical community – switched to the online platform, the number of vulnerable devices increased by millions and billions.
Hackers, the opportunists that they are, have ever since been launching modified and advanced phishing attacks to trick web users, especially remote working employees. The security vulnerabilities can, however, be minimized if the users are better educated about what phishing is and what are the certain ways to avoid phishing traps.
Companies should, therefore, arrange as many cybersecurity training programs as possible to educate their employees. Having said that, some advanced phishing protection techniques that are extremely useful are as follows.
- Using MFA and Backdoor Password Together
The importance of a strong backdoor password can never be overlooked since it’s the first door that separates info in a system from the internet. Now imagine having 3 or more advanced security layers after the backdoor password! That would certainly give hackers a very tough time since breaching a single security wall will not give system access. This method of using multiple factors for system protection is known as MFA (multi-factor authentication).
- Using VPN to Scan Remote Devices
It is not possible for an organization to secure and patch the home router of the remote working employees. But what they can do is enable the VPN (virtual private network) scanning technique.
Whenever a supposed employee of the company will try to access the system, the system will have to pass through the VPN tunnel. It will be scanned for vulnerabilities, bugs, malware, and other serious online security threats. If found clean, only then the system will be allowed to operate the company’s data.
That said, do not forget to reboot the VPN from time to time to make sure it isn’t affected by any malware.
- Implementing Network Segmentation Technique
Don’t use just one single network to store all the data about the company’s assets. Split the information in many pieces and create as many independent networks as your cybersecurity team suggests. Then, store one piece of information in one network.
The benefit of this technique is that a malware will not be able to spread in the entire organization since it will be limited to the breached network only.
On a closing note, the mixed implementation of all the above-mentioned cybersecurity techniques can protect your devices from different kinds of modern online thefts to a very large extent.